Saturday, January 24, 2009

ღ✖ღ FaMiLy ★ ღ 炒ღ 家族 ‡∽ 1st post

this is a blog for our family!
ღ✖ღ FaMiLy ★ ღ 炒ღ 家族 ‡∽
i have just decided to create this blog.. and welcome all members of ღ✖ღ FaMiLy ★ ღ 炒ღ 家族 ‡∽ to be the author of this blog..
support our blog!
and support our family!

since that chinese new year is coming.. i want to wish all members of ღ✖ღ FaMiLy ★ ღ 炒ღ 家族 ‡∽.. happy chinese new year..

from group leader-*蛋炒饭*